Online talk - History of Apprenticeship and Guilds - 18 Dec 2020
Our December talk is "A job for life: the history of apprenticeship and guilds" by Sarah Doig. This free talk is on Friday 18th December and is for members only. If you wish to see this talk and are not yet a member you can join here.
Online talk - History of Family Photography - 21st Aug 2020
Our August talk is about family photographs. The talk, by Steve Gill, will cover the history of photography, aids to dating those old family photographs and hints on restoration and conservation of your photos. This free talk is on Friday 21st August and is for members only. If you wish to see this talk and are not yet a member you can join here.
Online talk - Using Maps - 31 July
During the corona virus lock-down we are unable to hold our usual monthly meetings. As a replacement for these we are running a series of on-line talks. This also provides an opportunity for members who live away from Buckinghamshire to participate in Society talks. On Friday 31st July Les Mitchinson will tell us about "Using Maps" in family history. If you wish to see this talk and are not yet a member you can join here.
Online talk - Tying the knot: marriage and its records - 25th Sep 2020
Our September talk is about marriage. The talk, by Gill Blanchard, is entitled "Tying the knot: marriage and its records". This free talk is on Friday 25th Sept and is for members only. If you wish to see this talk and are not yet a member you can join here.
Online talk - Buckinghamshire Workhouses - 26 June
During the corona virus lock-down we are unable to hold our usual monthly meetings. As a replacement for these we are running a series of on-line talks. This also provides an opportunity for members who live away from Buckinghamshire to participate in Society talks. On Friday 26th June Julian Hunt will talk about "Buckinghamshire Workhouses". If you wish to hear this talk and are not yet a member you can join here.
Online talk - The Parish Chest - 29 May
During the corona virus lock-down we are unable to hold our usual monthly meetings. As a replacement for these we are running a series of on-line talks. This also provides an opportunity for members who live away from Buckinghamshire to participate in Society talks. On Friday 29th May Ian Waller will talk about "The Parish Chest". If you wish to hear this talk and are not yet a member you can join here.