17th November 1866
From the Marlow Magistrates Minute Book
Below is an advert for an entertainment and race for boys.
Music and dance played a great part in the lives of people.
The race is interesting as it is for all ages of boy. There is a handicap system where the slower and younger boys get a head start. This race is one of many over a season for boys, There are no adverts for girls races..
6th August 1842 High Wycombe,
On Wednesday afternoon this town was visited with a most violent and heavy storm, indeed such a one as even the oldest inhabitants cannot recollect before.
8th September 1827
At Buckingham fair on Tuesday last a bull and cow entered the house of Harry Cox, the staymaker, and alarmed the family whilst at breakfast; the entrance being narrow it was impossible to turn them out.
Toy Dealers
This is the list of Toy Dealers that are in Buckinghamshire in 1891.