Consumer Protection Act
Goods and services purchased on this site come under The Consumer Protection (Distant Selling) Regulations 2000. This gives rights to the consumer. The Society's policy under the Regulations is as set out below
Name and address of the Society
Details on page for contacting the Society
Goods and Services on offer and prices
These are described on various pages on the web site
There is no requirement for the Society to register for Value Added Tax and therefore there is no VAT due on any services supplied by the Society. The prices quoted after adding postage and packing is the total price.
Delivery and Cost (postage and packing)
Delivery is usually within 7 days of receipt of the order. If we are not able to ship the order within 28 days then we will notify you of the expected delivery date. Costs of Postage and Packing are shown in each section of the website and there is a link to the postage and packing page on the order forms
Cancelling your order
All orders may be cancelled within 7 days. In the case of good supplied (e.g. books) this is 7 days from the date of receipt by the consumer. In the case of services supplied (e.g. database lookups) this is 7 days from the date of the contract which is the date on which Bucks FHS receives the request.
If you decide to cancel your order, the law requires you to do this in writing. This should be done either by post or email (if available) to the address to which the original order was sent.
On receipt of a cancellation notice (and the returned goods where relevant) the Society is required to refund the cost within 30 days. Cost of postage for the returned goods will be borne by the customer.
Any orders for magazines or periodicals which the Society may from time to time sell are excluded from the right to cancel.