BFHSlogo100Dear Members, we need your views.

As the Executive looks at a way forward for the online meetings, there are a couple of questions where we need your help.

Parish Chest Tree Link to

Memberships to Bucks FHS are now available to purchase through - Buckinghamshire Bucks FHS is continuing to migrate away from our old shop.

The full range of Parish Registers and other items are available.

Bucks Archives Entrance

The Bucks Archives in Walton St, Aylesbury continue to hold tours of their archives. Keep an eye on their Facebook page to see when they are available. 

bfhs250Due to an issue with this website some accounts have been lost and re-created. These accounts were created between 1st November 2022 and 11th December 2022. If you cannot log in and think you have been affected please contact the website administrator


Have you considered joining the Society's Executive Committee?



Old DocumentOur Online Helpdesks meet online 8.00 pm UK time on the second Monday of each month for our members only. This is your chance to get your research questions answered.  Is there a topic that you want to discuss?  Recently we have discussed Wills Directories & Newspaper Research. Here is your chance to improve your research skills or suggest topic ideas. Please login in to see the Zoom Links.



Please log in to the Annual Reports for 2020 & 2019. The the Minutes for 2019 AGM are here.


Thank you to all those who have renewed so far.  This is a final call for renewals this year. If you are unsure if you have already renewed, please check with Steve our Membership Secretary via the contact form and he will be happy to check. Purchase of memberships can be done easily via our shop at Bucks FHS Shop - Membership 


The Society is a family history organisation with world-wide membership. We exist to educate people in family history and to help each other with research. The following are some of the benefits of membership:

  • Members receive a free copy of our  journal "Origins"(On-line members will receive a pdf version)
  • Attendance at Society meetings at a lower rate than non members,  Meetings are held at Aylesbury, Bourne End & Bletchley.
  • Library access to material on Bucks FHS website
  • Free "look up" service at Bucksinghamshire Archives
  • Access to over 300 articles available to members only in this website.
  • Use of our "members only" mailing list
  • Contribute to our "Members' Interests" database (which holds names, dates, locations of people you are researching). This database is accessible by all visitors to this site. See Members / Members' Interests in the menu.
  • Access to "members only" items in the website forums
  • Access to back issues of "Origins" magazine online (where available)

Our membership year is from 1st January to 31st December. Anyone joining in October or later will be joining for the following year - getting up to 3 months of the current year free!

If you would like to join, please use the link 'Buy Membership On-line'.  There is no direct access to parish records on-line for members.

The Buckinghamshire Family History Society was formed in 1976 to encourage and promote the study of family history in Buckinghamshire including the historic county. With over 1000 members the Society caters for those with Bucks ancestry and members researching ancestry elsewhere.

There are regular meetings held in Aylesbury, Bourne End and Bletchley. Most meetings have a speaker talking about an aspect of family history although we do have occasional themed meetings where members are invited to talk on a subject from their own family history research.

The Society is a registered Charity (charity number 290335) and a member of the Federation of Family History Societies and is affiliated to the Buckinghamshire Archaeological Society, the Buckinghamshire Record Society and Bourne End Community Association.

The objectives of the Society are

  • to promote and encourage the public study of family history, genealogy, heraldry, local history and other associated subjects with a particular reference to Buckinghamshire;
  • to promote the preservation, security and accessibility of archival material;
  • to promote and engage in educational activities including the publication and sale of a regular journal and other appropriate material.

Members receive a magazine 'Origins'. We have published a complete transcription of the 1851 Census for Bucks, many parish registers, session records and are currently digitising school log books and many other records relating to Bucks. We maintain a Directory of Members' Interests which is constantly updated.

If you have interests in Bucks or live in the area please consider joining the Society. We have a depth of knowledge of researching family history and of Buckinghamshire which we are sure you will find very useful.