"Origins" is the Society's journal. It is published three times each year and distributed to our members all over the world.

Available here are the most recent copies of Origins in full and all the articles from earlier editions.



This has been made possible by the work done by our member David Quigley who has digitised the complete run of Origins since 1976 and Lyn Horridge who has spent many hours tidying up the output from the OCR conversion. We have done our best to ensure that the text is as accurate as possible but early versions of Origins were produced on a duplicator so the quality of the originals was not up to present day standards.

The next task is to list all the articles with a brief description of each, then the mammoth task of indexing, any offers of help would be much appreciated. Please contact us to offer any help.

Members can log in to see the complete list of Origins Journal listed below the articles.